Donate Now!
General fund
Cashapp: $daralrahma
Mail a check: Pay to “Dar Al-Rahma” and mail to 2521 Oakwood Blvd, Melvindale MI 48122
Credit card, eCheck, PayPal, Venmo: Use form below
We recommend using Zelle, Cash App, or mailing a check because they do not charge any fees so that your entire payment can go towards Zakat:
Cashapp: $daralrahma (include “zakat” in note)
Mail a check: Pay to “Dar Al-Rahma”, write “zakat” in memo, and mail to 2521 Oakwood Blvd, Melvindale MI 48122
If you prefer to use the below form which can process credit cards, eCheck, PayPal, and Venmo, then your total payment will need to be slightly more than the zakat amount you want to give in order to cover processing fees. Use the calculator below to calculate what your total payment should be.